September 18, 2003

September Events

It's the off-season, but Black Water's been busy! First the Labour Day parade, then Cabbage town and finally the Hespeler Warrior's Day parade. Despite busy schedules, we managed to rustle up enough pipers and drummers to put on a good show. Thank you Masumi for filling in on the Base Drum!

Some people had to endure massive traffic jams to get to Hespeler, but almost everyone made it on time... O.k so 3 minutes to spare...

An extra special thankyou goes to everyone who made the extra effort to get out to these parades. I only made one (writing research grant applications takes up a lot of time... Who knew?).

Remember, we are gearing up for the next season and we've got some new tunes to try out. Practices are Tuesday Evenings. Any interested pipers or drummers who'd like to check us out, email myself or Dave McDougall.

Posted by james at September 18, 2003 10:39 PM

Are you still looking for pipers for 2004?

Posted by: Lee Kennedy at February 22, 2004 9:53 PM